Page 15 - The Care and Handling of Flexible Scopes v3
P. 15
Care of Flexible Endoscopes
Less than 30% of the light post should have any visible black dots. The greater the
blackened area, the dimmer the light will be when the endoscope is used in surgery.
Send the endoscope for repair if any one of these defects is present. See section on
“REPAIRS” for proper protocol before sending endoscopes for repair.
12. Packaging for Sterilisation or Storage
Flexible endoscopes are considered heat-sensitive endoscopes. Low-temperature gas
sterilisers are commonly used to provide terminal sterilisation for flexible endoscopes.
The flexible endoscope is placed into a suitable sterilisation tray with internal sterility
assurance indicator(s) and the following is to be completed before wrapping or
1. Always, always, always connect the gas cap (aka pressure equalisation cap) to the
endoscope’s connector (the same connector used for the leakage test)! The covering
of the flexible endoscope cannot withstand the pressure gradient created during
sterilisation. If the gas cap is not connected before sterilisation, the covering on the
outside or inside of the channel can split or crack.
2. Ensure that the flexible endoscope’s insertion tube is not crimped or severely bent in
order to fit into the tray, as this may damage the internal fibres.
3. Ensure that the insertion tube and distal tip are secure in the tray so they do not
become crushed of pinched during sterilisation or transport.
Wrap the tray container and procced with low-temperature sterilisation. More
information regarding low-temperature sterilisation is provided in the next section of
this learning activity.
A flexible endoscope may be placed into clean storage following high-level disinfection.
The following steps ensure safe storage for flexible endoscope:
1. Ensure that the decontamination process that is prescribed pre-storage is completed
according to the manufacturer’s instructions and the facility’s protocol.
2. Complete a disinfection process before storing.
3. Ensure that the endoscope is completely dry before placing in clean storage! Ensure
that the steps for drying the flexible fiberscope and channels have been completed.
4. Place a hang tag on the endoscope and list: disinfection process used, date it was last
processed, the scope’s serial number, and the processors initials.
5. Ensure that the endoscope is hung in a vertical position and is protected against
damage or cross-contamination.
6. Process the flexible endoscope according to the facility’s protocol immediately
before using the patient care or as detailed in the facility’s protocol.
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