Page 2 - Medicine of the future V2
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Medicine of the Future

              If only we had of                                       But there is

              listened earlier:                                       good news:

              I wish I had listened to my friend who                  We were trained how to treat people
              recommended alternative treatment                       with this amazing therapy and now
              for my wife’s chronic Asthma which                      Sue has built her bone mass by an
              subsequently lead to chronic                            incredible 57%. We have now
              Osteoporosis. Before my wife & I                        developed this treatment so that it is
              started on our current journey, my                      available via the internet so clients
              wife Sue suffered chronic asthma                        can be treated from the comfort of
              over a period of 25 years and had                       their own home.
              over 350 admissions to hospital. My
              friend who recommended the this                         I would like to get to know you more
              therapy was given 24 hours to live                      so I can help you more - visit my
              with cancer and survived for 6 years                    Blog/Site/Social Media Site, and
              with the treatment. In desperation                      drop a comment or just say Hi.
              when the doctors told my wife that
              she wasn’t going to survive, she
              commenced the same therapy. It only
              took a few months treatment and she
              has never had asthma now for over
              25 years.

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