Page 7 - Medicine of the future V2
P. 7

Medicine of the Future

             Wellcell Has Made A Sensational Discovery:

             20 years in the making, we now have a new weapon to fight premature
             ageing and thinning bones (and we're going to need it)

             We need strong foundations to build houses, skyscrapers, and businesses,
             right? So what about our health? Without a strong foundation, that too could

          support. Light is                                                          abundance. To put it
          the essential                                                              into perspective, that’s
          requirement for                                                            only one half of one
          healthy cells and                                                          day per week outdoors.
          bones.                                                                     This can have a

                                                                                     detrimental effect on
                                                                                    our bones and

                                                                 consequently our health. Ouch.

                                                                                 The Wellcell secret is their
          Did you know
          that, according                                                         formulated digital

          to the                                                                  frequencies that have
          Environmental                                                           taken Wellcell 20-years to
          Protection                                                              sequence. With over 250
          Agency (EPA),                                                           million light frequencies

          the average                                                             targeting bones,
          American                                                                wellness, and ageing,
          spends 93% of                                                           Wellcell is complete with
          their life                                                              key frequencies in the
          indoors? 87%                                                            millions to help keep your

          of their life is spent indoors, and                                    pH in balance and to
          then another 6% of their life is                       support strong bones for a lifetime. It
          spent in automobiles. That leaves                      supports a healthy metabolism, energy
          only 7% of your entire life to be                      production, hormonal balance, and

          spent outdoors, depriving our                          wellness for both women and men.
          cells of vital light frequencies that
          we desperately need in

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