Page 9 - Medicine of the future V2
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Medicine of the Future

          ·    The problems of ageing come as
             a package. More than 70% of

             people over 65 have two or more
             chronic conditions such as
             arthritis, diabetes, cancer, heart
             disease, and stroke. Our results
             over the past 20 years indicate

             that by delaying thinning bones,
             the major age-related problem
             staves off other disease.
                                                                 We all need proof

             Our sensational bone density scan
             results derived from using Wellcell
             frequencies shows its ability to                    That we aren’t being ripped off by the
             build bone mass without taking                      promise of a fix.
             drugs, vitamin/mineral                              Wellcell encourages you to have a

             supplements, or by following any                    blood test or undergo a bone density
             special diets or exercise                           scan, so that you can compare in 12
             programs.                                           months’ time.

          ·    For many individuals, taking this
             simple preventive action
             throughout life will enable them to
             continue to enjoy the active and
             independent lifestyle that is
             associated with bone health.

                                                                 Never underestimate the power of
                                                                 light frequencies; it is the greatest
                                                                 path to natural healing.

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