Page 8 - Medicine of the future V2
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Medicine of the Future
serves six major functions:
support, movement, protection,
We are energy-beings production of blood cells, storage
of minerals, and endocrine
in a sea of energy, and this “sea,” is regulation (Hormones).
governed by a specific set of
universal laws
· Bone cells release a hormone
Treating ageing (bones) increases called osteocalcin, which
‘health span’ contributes to the regulation of
· Building healthy bones blood sugar (glucose) and fat
throughout life with Wellcell light deposition. Osteocalcin increases
frequencies provides an affordable both the insulin secretion and
option and a sensational way of sensitivity, in addition to boosting
reducing the enormous personal the number of insulin-producing
costs of ill health, pain, disability, cells and reducing stores of fat.
and premature death.
· The bone matrix can store
· If you don’t reach peak bone calcium and is involved in calcium
density in your 20’s, then you are metabolism, and bone marrow can
setting yourself up for a life of store iron in ferritin and is involved
health problems. The skeleton in iron metabolism.