Page 10 - Medicine of the future V2
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Medicine of the Future
If you are embarking on a journey
seeking wellness; then Wellcell
frequencies are for you.
Sometimes we get chances -
opportunities - that we're meant to
take. And if you take the leap, your
health will get better. And if you take
a step back instead? Okay, that's
your decision. But you'll never know
how good your bones could have
been and how well and energised effects and we encourage you to
you could have felt. research on Google, so that you can
see for yourself the possible
The most beautiful thing about the problems that you could endure.
world is how much is unknown to us.
There are so many secrets, and so Our Story
much opportunity for discovery just
waiting to be found with how you Desperation to find a cure for my
might feel. wife’s asthma, I also discovered, by
accident, the true healing power of
my frequency formulas.
In doing so, I treated Sue
When drugs become useless, they
become addictive, so don’t limit
yourself to drugs. Discover the
healing benefits of Wellcell light successfully from two super bug
frequencies with no side effects.
infections that she had contracted in
There are other alternative the hospital.
treatments to treat thinning bones
(Osteoporosis) They are called • Cured her Asthma after having
bisphosphonates because they over 350 hospital admissions
have two phosphonate (PO(OH). over a 20-year period and being
These drugs can have terrible side subjected to massive doses of