Page 4 - Medicine of the future V2
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Medicine of the Future
energy, and this “sea,” is governed by You will be the master of your own fate
a specific set of universal laws. These if you understand how frequency
laws deal with works.
Energy,Frequency & You probably know that we typically
Vibration lose 1% of our bone density every
year after the age of 40.
These laws are all connected, and As we age, our bones get thin from a
they influence your life throughout process and condition commonly
every minute of the hour. Most referred to as Osteoporosis. But of
people are completely unaware of how that 1%, what exactly are we losing?
these laws help to inform our In other words, what are your bones
composed of? Calcium? Yes;
This is a big misconception of what is phosphorus, boron, right, but the main
really going on. Once you get to know thing missing to take note of here, is
these laws, and apply them into your the lack of light (biophotons).
life, you will see that you really do
have complete control of what you will
experience in life.