Page 14 - EY NEWSLETTER Vol 8 Issue 1
P. 14
27 - 31
FSL-FS2 Supermarket Trip
FSL-FS2 Supermarket Trip
Our young students took part in an exciting grocery
shopping excursion to the supermarket, aimed at
helping them practise making wise food choices and
develop a sense of responsibility.
During their visit, the children eagerly explored various
supermarket departments, including frozen goods,
fresh produce, dairy, and more. They engaged in
hands-on learning by identifying different foods and
practising their English vocabulary in a real-world
setting. The thrill of recognizing price tags and
comparing costs added an exciting element to their
experience. Guided by their teachers, the students
learned how to make thoughtful selections, understand
pricing, and handle payments. This practical experience
not only enhanced their understanding of grocery
shopping but also encouraged their independence.
We encourage parents to involve their children in
grocery shopping as well. Allowing children to make
choices, justify their needs, and handle transactions
fosters valuable life skills and builds con dence. This
engaging activity can be a fun and educational
bonding experience for families.
Inga Cherepova
Instructional Coach