Page 7 - Teaching studies Part B FINAL_Neat
P. 7
An Ideal teacher for Anchor Comprehensive Secondary School
The research conducted based on the school context and what ideal teacher is required
for this specific school, we have observed that the school is located in a township that
has many negative influences on the learners such as substance abuse, violence,
teenage pregnancy, theft and absenteeism, those are the major challenges that are
reflected by the learners at school. Due to these factors, the school requires a teacher
that is kind, caring, supportive and open to listening to learners’ issues and challenges.
The positive aspects of the school context include implementation of technology in the
school that accommodates and embraces the changes brought about the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. This is done through Smartboard workshops that teach teachers
the necessary skills that are required for the implementation of the technology in their
respective classroom.
We thereafter have identified that an ideal teacher for Anchor Comprehensive School
specifically has and requires having the following traits; these are the most important
traits that a teacher is required to obtain in order to be an ideal teacher for the school.
1. An ideal teacher connects to children as human beings. He/she knows each child
intimately and extends a relationship to children beyond the task of teaching and
learning even when classrooms are overcrowded. A culture of respect,
collaboration and acceptance is fostered for all children.
2. An ideal teacher is a role model and he/she subscribe to a pedagogy of care
(Nodding, 1988) because the emotional, physical and social well-being of children
a primary concern (in line with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs) before successful
teaching and learning is possible.
3. An ideal teacher knows that that the work of learning extends outside of the
classroom, that learners can deepen their understandings through peer sharing,
engaging with members of the community and with experts in the field both
physically and through technology.