Page 20 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 20

iv : Application for provisional release

               Provisional release is a mean whereby a person continues to enjoy
        freedom or regains it after having been placed in preventive detention

        during the criminal proceedings. Such application is for provisional
        release without bail, or with bail, or with bail and security submitted to
        the court to consider for a release of an accused or a defendant for a

        specified period of time.

          Table 8: Applications for provisional release

              Number of                Granted                 Denied           Absconding During
              Applications           by the Court           by the Court        Provisional Release

            Thai    Foreigner     Thai      Foreigner     Thai     Foreigner      Thai     Foreigner
          248,848     3,544     223,018       2,722      25,830       822        5,294        164

            Note: The number of applications = granted + denied by the court

               Overall, in 2021, there were 252,392 applications for provisional
        release in total. In addition, 225,740 applications or 89% of the total

        applications were granted by the court and there were 2% of the
        accused or the defendants having absconded after getting the

        provisional release.

        v : Penalties and defendants

               Important purposes of the Criminal Law Enforcement in Thailand

        are to put people’s living in order, to protect innocent people, and to
        impose penalties for persons who violate any social rules considered as

        criminal offences. In 2021, 38% of defendants in Thai courts were
        decided to suspend punishment or wait for sentence. However, the
        most common type of sentence rendered by Thai courts was fines.

               The defendants in Thai courts are not only Thai people but also
        foreigners who violated the law of Thailand. Moreover, considering

        gender of defendants, male defendants committed more crimes than
        female defendants did.

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