Page 24 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 24

Human trafficking cases in the courts of first instance

                                     Number of Case Disposed of
                 (from the date of filing plaint until the date of disposing of)



                                                              9              99

                 6 6                           6
                                4                             4

                 0                                                           0              0 0
             Shorter than  over 1 Month  over 3 Months   over 6 Months   Over 1 Year   Over 2 Years
              1 Month       to 3 Months   to 6 Months      to 1 Year     to 2 Years
                          Criminal Courts     Provincial Courts     Juvenile and Family Courts

              Penalties in Human Trafficking Cases                      Defendants

             Death                                                             -
             Imprisonment                                                     75
             Fines                                                             -

             Suspension of Punishment                                          7
             Other                                                             -

                       Length of Prison Sentences                        Defendants

             Shorter than 1 Year                                               1
             Over 1 Year to 2 Years                                            1

             Over 2 Years to 3 Years                                           2

             Over 3 Years to 5 Years                                           9
             Over 5 Years to 10 Years                                         26

             Over 10 Years                                                    36

     -- 22 --                                              2021 ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT (B.E. 2564)
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