Page 28 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 28

1.3 Types of case in civil litigations

            in the Supreme Court

                          Case Pending      New                       Case         Case
         Types of Cases   from Previous     Case      Case Filed    Disposed    Disposed of    Pending to
                              Years        Filed       in Total        of           (%)       Following

     Civil Case                423          958         1,381         922          66.76         459

     Consumer Case             262          507          769          380          49.41         389

     Environmental Case         9           16            25           13          52.00         12

     Administrative Case       10           14            24           17          70.83          7

     Commercial Case           73           217          290          217          74.83         73

     Tax Case                  26           59            85           33          38.82         52

     Labour Case               308         1,149        1,457        1,235         84.76         222

     Intellectual Property
     and International         16           18            34           18          52.94         16
     Trade Case
     Juvenile and Family       20           42            62           31          50.00         31
     Bankruptcy Case           21           20            41           21          51.22         20

     Bankruptcy Case
     (Business                  4           14            18            8          44.44         10

     Election Case              0            0            0             0            -            0

     Civil Case for
     Persons Holding of         0            0            0             0            -            0
     Political Positions

             Total            1,172        3,014        4,186        2,895         69.16        1,291

      Note 1:  Case filed in total = case pending from previous year + new case filed
      Note 2: The administrative case in the Supreme Court is relevant to a civil cause of action of administrative case
             but not under the jurisdiction of  Administrative Courts.

      Note 3: The Supreme Court has power to try and adjudicate cases relevant to cases in which the Prime Minister, a
             Minister, a member of the House of the Representatives, a senator or other political official is accused of
             becoming unusually wealthy, committing misconduct in office according to the Criminal Code, performing
             duties dishonestly, or of corruption under other laws.

     -- 26 --                                              2021 ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT (B.E. 2564)
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