Page 33 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 33

2.1 Case filed and case disposed of

                        Case Pending
                        from Previous    New Case Filed     Case Disposed of             Case Pending to
                                                                                         Following Year
          Courts                                                              Disposed
                         Civil case  Criminal case  Total  Civil case  Criminal case  Total  Civil case  Criminal case  Total  of (%)  Civil case  Criminal case  Total

    The Court of
                       973   5,475  6,448  2,914  14,253  17,167  2,875  14,912  17,787  75.32  1,012   4,816   5,828
    Courts of Appeal,
         Region I      202   259   461   1,684   2,021  3,705  1,677   2,147   3,824  91.79  209   133   342
         Region II     209   332   541    979   1,691  2,670  1,081   1,866   2,947  91.79  107   157   264
         Region III    165   174   339   1,556   1,516  3,072  1,477   1,563   3,040  89.12  244   127   371
         Region IV     200   176   376   1,906   1,510  3,416  1,879   1,585   3,464  91.35  227   101   328
       Region  Region V  34   46   80     715   1,246  1,961  740   1,275   2,015  98.73  9     17     26

         Region VI      88   149   237    931   1,354  2,285  888   1,366   2,254  89.37  131   137   268
         Region VII     86    73   159    854   1,863  2,717  871   1,844   2,715  94.40  69    92    161

         Region VIII   123   110   233   1,005   1,564  2,569  1,019   1,636   2,655  94.75  109   38   147
         Region IX      76   145   221    629   1,319  1,948  647   1,355   2,002  92.30  58    109   167
    The Court of
    Appeal for         198    20   218   1,943   148   2,091  1,982   147   2,129  92.20  159   21    180
    Specialized Cases

          Total        2,354  6,959  9,313  15,116  28,485  43,601 15,136  29,696  44,832  84.73  2,334   5,748   8,082

        Note:  case pending from previous year + new case filed – case disposed of = case pending to following year

                  The Court of Appeal handles an appeal against a judgment or

           order of Civil Courts and Criminal Courts. Meanwhile the Regional
           Courts of Appeal handle appeals against judgments or orders of the

           other Courts of First Instance located within their regions. The Court
           of Appeal for Specialized Cases was established on 1 October 2016
           to handle appeals from specialized courts and juvenile and family


    2021 ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT (B.E. 2564)                                                    – 31 --
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