Page 29 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 29

1.4 Types of case in criminal lawsuits

            in the Supreme Court

                            Pending        New                        Case         Case         Case
                                                      Case Filed                             Pending to
        Types of Case         from         Case        in Total    Disposed  Disposed of      Following
                            Previous       Filed                       of           (%)
     Criminal Case           1,068         3,173        4,241        3,106         73.24        1,135

     Consumer Case             0             0            0            0             -            0

     Environmental Case       148           212          360          217          60.28         143
     Criminal Case for
     Persons Holding of        7            26           33            14          42.42         19
     Political Positions
     Appellate Case of
     Criminal Case for         6             2            8            5           62.50          3
     Persons Holding of
     Political Positions
     Intellectual Property
     and International         8             5           13            9           69.23          4
     Trade Case
     Juvenile and Family
     Case                      13           15           28            20          71.43          8

     Bankruptcy Case           1             0            1            1          100.00          0

             Total           1,251         3,433        4,684        3,372         71.99        1,312

      Note 1: Case filed in total  = case pending from previous year + new cases

      Note 2: Consumer and environmental cases as criminal matters in the Supreme Court
              are relevant criminal cases filed with the Consumer Case Division and the Environmental
              Case Division in the Supreme Court.

      Note 3: The Supreme Court has power to try and adjudicate cases relevant to cases in which the Prime Minister, a
              Minister, a member of the House of the Representatives, a senator or other political official is accused of
              becoming unusually wealthy, committing misconduct in office according to the Criminal Code, performing
              duties dishonestly, or of corruption under other laws.

    2021 ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT (B.E. 2564)                                                    – 27 --
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