Page 27 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 27

1.1  Case filed and case disposed of

                        Case Pending      New                       Case          Case      Case Pending
     Types of Case      from Previous     Case      Case Filed    Disposed     Disposed of   to Following
                                                     in Total
                            Year          Filed                       of           (%)          Year

     Civil Litigations      1,172        3,014        4,186         2,895         1,291         1,172

                            1,251        3,433        4,684         3,372         1,312         1,251
            Total           2,423        6,447        8,870         6,267         2,603         2,423

       Note:   Case filed in total  = cases pending from previous year + new case filed

           1.2  Top 5 causes of action and offences in new cases

                                       Causes of Action

                                                         1. Land dispute.

                                                         2. Torts.
                                                         3. Eviction.

                                                         4. Breach of contract.
                                                         5. Revoke juristic acts.
                                       97        82


                                 1. Offences relating to Narcotics Act B.E.

                                 2522 (1979).

                                 2. Offences Causing Death.
                                 3. Offences relating to Firearm, Ammunition, Explosive,
                                 Firework and Imitation Firearm Act B.E. 2490 (1947).

          839                                         4. Petty offences.
                   656      626      597
                                              358     5. Offences of Taking by Stealth and

    2021 ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT (B.E. 2564)                                                    – 25 --
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