Page 35 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 35

2.3 Types of case in the Court of Appeal

                                     Pending      New                    Case        Case
                 Cases                from        Case     Case Filed   Disposed   Disposed   Pending to
                                                            in Total                          Following
                                    Previous      Filed                    of       of (%)       Year

             Civil Litigations

     Civil Case                        606        1,879      2,485       1,778      71.55        707

     Consumer Case                     360        1,035      1,395       1,092      78.28        303

     Environmental Case                 6           0          6           4        66.67         2

     Local Election Case                0           0          0           0           -          0
     Corruption and Misconduct          1           0          1           1        100.00        0

          Criminal Litigations

     Criminal Case                     589        2,215      2,804       2,270      80.96        534

     Consumer Case                      0           0          0           0           -          0

     Environmental Case                18          28          46         41        89.13         5

     Local Election Case                0           0          0           0           -          0

     Corruption and Misconduct
                                       198        559         757         585       77.28        172

     Human Trafficking Case            33          90         123         103       83.74         20

     Narcotic Case                    4,637      11,361      15,998     11,913      74.47       4,085

                  Total               6,448      17,167      23,615     17,787      75.32       5,828

      Note 1: The courts of appeal has power to try and adjudicate cases relevant to the election and revocation of the
             election rights in the election of local councils and local administrators, according to the Constitution B.E. 2560
             (2007) Section 219 paragraph three.

      Note 2: Consumer and environmental cases as criminal matters in the courts of appeal are relevant criminal
             cases appealed to the Consumer Case Division and the Environmental Case Division in appellate courts.

      Note 3: The Court of Appeal has the sole authority to consider appeals regarding narcotics cases, human trafficking
             cases and the corruption and misconduct cases nationwide in accordance with the Narcotics Cases Procedure
             Act B.E. 2550 (2007), the Anti – Human Trafficking Procedure Act B.E. 2559 (2016) and the Corruption and
             Misconduct Case  Procedure Act B.E. 2559 (2016) respectively.

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