Page 37 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 37

2.5 Types of case in the Court of Appeal for Specialized


                                     Pending      New                    Case        Case        Case
                                                           Case Filed                        Pending to
                 Cases                from        Case      in Total   Disposed    Disposed   Following
                                    Previous      Filed                    of       of (%)

             Civil Litigations

     Tax Case                          20          60          80         64         80.00        16

     Labour Case                       105        1,284      1,389       1,358       97.77        31

     Intellectual Property and
     International Trade Case          29          142        171         126        73.68        45

     Bankruptcy Case (Civil)           35          155        190         155        81.58        35

     Bankruptcy Case (Business          2          19          21         17         80.95        4
     Juvenile and Family Case
                                        7          283        290         262        90.34        28

          Criminal Litigations

     Intellectual Property and
     International Trade Case          14          49          63         51         80.95        12
     Bankruptcy Case
     (Criminal)                         1           0          1           1        100.00        0
     Juvenile and Family Case
                                        5          99         104         95         91.35        9

                  Total                218        2,091      2,309       2,129       92.20       180

    2021 ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT (B.E. 2564)                                                    – 35 --
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42