Page 21 - 2021 Annual Statistical Report (B.E 2564)
P. 21

penalties and defendants

         Table 9: The number of defendants in criminal punishment in courts of first instance

                                           Thai Defendants                Foreign Defendants
             Types of Penalty
                                     Male      Female      Total      Male      Female      Total

                  Death               75         17         92          3          5          8

              Imprisonment          72,509      8,947     81,456      1,318       164       1,482
                  Fines             125,538    35,325     160,863     4,267      1,247      5,514

               Confinement           1,090       162       1,252       38          8         46

          Forfeiture of property      191        50         241         1          0          1

              Suspended or
            Deferred sentence       155,998    25,155     181,153     9,652      2,798     12,450

                  Other             33,911     25,740     59,651      1,601       546       2,147

                   Total            389,312    95,396     484,708    16,880      4,768     21,648

         Table 10: Number of Thai defendants classified by ages

                                                                      Thai Defendants
                                                            Male          Female           Total

         over 18 years old to 25 years old                  82,867         9,747          92,434

         over 25 years old to 40 years old                 194,874         43,770        238,644
         over 40 years old to 60 years old                  96,960         33,965        130,925

         over 60 years old                                  14,791         7,914          22,705

         Total                                             389,312         95,396        484,708

               Regarding to the age of defendants, most Thais who violated the
        law in 2021 were those aging between 25 years old and 40 years old.
        However, the number of defendants in Table 9 and 10 was sentenced by

        the courts of first instance except juvenile and family courts which
        applied different penalty for children under juvenile and family law.

    2021 ANNUAL STATISTICAL REPORT (B.E. 2564)                                                    – 19 --
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