Page 123 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 123

FLAP WHEELS                                                            Ideal for grinding in confined spaces

                                                                                 e.g. in mould-making, container or
                                                                                 apparatus engineering and pipeline
                                                                                 •  Aluminium-oxide.
                                                                                 •  Synthetic resin-bonded grinding fabric.
                                                                                 Application Areas:
                                                                                 •   For smoothing the transition from steel to
                                                                                   galvanised sheet metal.
                                                                                 •  Not suitable for removing paint.
                                                                                 •   Due to low removal rate structures can be
                                                                                   worked out well.
                                                                                 •   For removal of material where abrasive paper
                                                                                   should be used.
                                                                                 •   Regarding grinding pattern and material
                                                                                   removal rate these fan-type grinders perform
                                                                                   between abrasive belts (rough) and nylon
                                                                                   emery web (fine).
        Dimensions        Recommended speed/Max.   Grain  Art. No.    Pack Qty.  Please Note:
        Ø x Width x Spindle  speed U/min                                         When selecting the grade, one must consider
        mm                (rpm)                                                  that the fan-type grinder produces the same grain
                                                40      0672 010 311             grading as an abrasive belt.
                                                60      0672 010 314
        30 x 15 x 6       12,000/25,400
                                                80      0672 010 316             A finer grinding pattern, with the grinder, fabric
                                                120     0672 010 318             and grain have an effect on the workpiece while
                                                40      0672 010 424             with the abrasive belt only the grain is in contact
                                                60      0672 010 426             with the work piece.
        40 x 20 x 6       9,600/19,100
                                                80      0672 010 428
                                                120     0672 010 421             The most suitable circumference speed is
                                                40      0672 010 534   1/5       20 - 36m/sec.
                                                60      0672 010 536
        50 x 30 x 6       7,000/15,200                                           Grinding Fleece/Linen combined:
                                                80      0672 010 538
                                                120     0672 010 531             •   Additional grinding linen between the grinding
                                                40      0672 010 634               fleece will give better grinding results.
                                                60      0672 010 636             •  Synthetic resin-bonded grinding fabric.
        60 x 30 x 6       6,300/12,700
                                                80      0672 010 638
                                                120     0672 010 631             Grinding Fleece:
                                    Dimensions       Grain  Art. No.    Pack
                                    Ø x Width x Spindle                 Qty.     General Working Instructions:
                                    mm                                           •   In case of high speed rough grain has a finer
                                    40 x 20 x 6           0672 964 218             effect. In case of low speed fine grain has a
                                    40 x 30 x 6      180/  0672 964 318            rougher effect.
                                    50 x 30 x 6      150  0672 965 318  1/5      •   Use tools with low pressure; strong pressure
                                    60 x 40 x 6           0672 966 418             results in early wear.
                                                                                 •   If the chip removal is not sufficient do not
                                    Dimensions       Grain Art. No.      Pack      increase the pressure but use material with
                                    Ø x Width x Spindle                  Qty.      rougher grain.
                                    mm                                           •   Caution: Watch the rotation! Tools are only
                                    40 x 20 x 6            0672 954 210            suitable for right hand rotation.
                                    40 x 30 x 6
                                                           0672 954 310
     AUS. pub. 10/17 ©              50 x 30 x 6      100   0672 955 310  1/5     Partner Product:
                                                           0672 956 410
                                    60 x 40 x 6
                                                                                 Personal Protective Equipment
                                                                                 Die Grinder
                                                         03 2001
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