Page 121 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 121
Tear-resistant, tough-elastic sanding
22 mm hole with cross slot.
Carrier material made from vulcanised
• Grain size 36-50: 0.8 mm.
• Grain 60-120: 0.6 mm.
Electrostatic dispersion.
Consistent removal rates.
Topsize coating (= specialised zirconia
Dia. mm Bore Dia. Mm Grit Art. No. Pack Qty. alumina with cooling multi-bonding and
36 0580 511 536 grinding fillers) and highly elastic fully
60 0580 511 560 synthetic resin bonding.
115 • Aggressive grinding performance.
80 0580 511 580 • Cool grinding – no tarnishing of the
120 0580 511 512 workpiece.
36 0580 512 536 • Long service life.
22.23 60 0580 512 560 10 • Low noise levels.
80 0580 512 580 • ective sel sharpening e ect o the grinding
120 0580 512 512 grain.
36 0580 518 036 Application:
180 60 0580 518 060 For use on hand-held pneumatic or electric angle
80 0580 518 080 grinders with circumferential speed of up to 80
m/s in conjunction with a support plate.
Partner products Flat Ribbed
Backing disc for Vulc. Fibre Disc 115 mm 0586 580 115 0586 580 215 Edge and surface grinding on flat and
Backing disc for Vulc. Fibre Disc 125 mm 0586 580 125 0586 580 225 curved components:
Backing disc for Vulc. Fibre Disc 178 mm 0586 580 180 0586 580 280 • Grain size 36-40: Levelling welding seams,
spot-welding points, brazing seams etc.
Deburring work on sheet, cast and forged
metal parts. rinding o sprues
Notice: • Grain size 40-80: Smoothing of butt welds,
• nly use fibre discs with approved, • Store out of direct sunlight and away edge breakage work and bare grinding of
undamaged support plates. from heat sources. Do not store in damp metal sheets and other metal surfaces.
• he diameter o the fibre disc must not be environments or on the floor. • rain si e 0 1 0 e rusting, grinding o
more than 15 mm greater than the diameter of • Store in original packaging at 18-22°C and old paint layers, fine sanding in car repairs
the support plate. 45-60% relative air humidity.
• Plunge-cut grinding is not permitted. Materials to be processed:
• Always wear appropriate protective Corrosion resistant and highly heat-resistant steels
equipment, e.g. safety glasses, gloves, hearing (stainless steel), carbon steels, forged steel, non-
protection, etc. ferrous metals, chrome and nickel alloys and grey
cast iron.
Complies with the OSA
(Organisation for Safety of Abrasives).
AUS. pub. 10/17 ©
03 1662