Page 120 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 120

                                                                                 Ceramic abrasive grain vulcanised fibre
                                                                                 discs for a high removal rate with low
                                                                                 contact pressure, suitable for use with
                                                                                 steel and stainless steel.

                                                                                 High removal rate with cool sanding.
                                                                                 Due to high-performance abrasive grain and
                                                                                 abrasive cover layer.

                                                                                 Low contact pressure.
                                                                                 Due to high-performance abrasive grain.

                                                                                 Long service life.
                                                   Complies with the OSA         Due to the ceramic abrasive grain.
                                                   (Organisation for Safety of Abrasives).

        Dia mm  Bore Dia. mm  Max r.p.m.  Grit    Art. No.            Pack Qty.
                                          24      0580 912 524
                                          36      0580 912 536
                                          40      0580 912 540
        125                   12,250      60      0580 912 560
                22.23                                                 5/25
                                          80      0580 912 580
                                          120     0580 912 512
                                          36      0580 917 836
        178                   8,500
                                          60      0580 917 860

        Partner Products                       Flat            Ribbed
        Backing disc for Vulc. Fibre Disc 125 mm  0586 580 125  0586 580 225
        Backing disc for Vulc. Fibre Disc 178 mm  0586 580 180  0586 580 280

       Notice:                              Application:
       •  Use fibre discs only with approved,   •  For use on hand-held pneumatic or electrical
         undamaged support plates.            angle grinders with a circumferential speed
       •  Always wear appropriate protective   of up to 80 m/s in conjunction with a support
         equipment, e.g. safety glasses, gloves, hearing   plate.
         protection etc.                    •  For grinding edges, surfaces, preparatory and
       •  Store out of direct sunlight and away   finishing work on weld seams, dressing and
         from heat sources. Do not store in damp   smoothing.
         environments or on the floor.      •  For stainless steel, rust-resistant, acid-resistant
       •  Store in the original packaging at 18–22°C   and heat-resistant steels (high-alloyed), steel
         and 45–60% relative humidity. Free from iron,   and aluminium.
         chlorine and sulphur (≤ 0.1%).

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