Page 189 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 189

MULTI-PURPOSE GREASE III/IV                                            Can be used in areas in which food is

                                                                                 processed or stored. NSF H1 1
                                                                                 In this context, the product may come into contact
                                                                                 with foodstuffs for technical reasons.

                                                                                 Multi-Purpose Grease III physiologically
                                                                                 safe, colourless grease with multi-
                                                                                 functional additive combination.
                                                                                 •  Good adhesive properties.
                                                                                 •  Stable against working and oxidation-
                                                                                 •  Supports the quality of the seal.
                                                                                 •  Dust and water-repellent.
                                                                                 •  Resin, acid and silicone-free.

                                                                                 Multi-Purpose Grease IV - Synthetic
                                                                                 high-performance grease with white
                                                                                 solid lubricants.
                                                                                 •  High-pressure resistant through EP additive.
                                Description       Contents   Art No.    Pack     •  Very good anti-seizing properties.
                                                  in ml                 Qty.     •  Good sealing and good corrosion protection.
                                Multi-Purpose Grease III  400  0893 107 002      •  Very good dust-, dirt- and water-repellent
                                Multi-Purpose Grease IV  400  0893 107 003  1/24   properties.
       Technical Data                                                            •  Resin-, acid- and silicone-free.
                                                                                 •  Safety product.
                            Multi-Purpose Grease III  Multi-Purpose Grease IV    •   Especially user-friendly and
                            Art. No. 0893 107 002     Art. No. 0893 107 003        safe handling.
        Applications        For the lubrication and care of   For the lubrication of machines,   •   Improved workplace safety and health
                            machines, plain bearings and   plain bearings and antifriction   protection.
                            antifriction bearings, for long-term   bearings, even under extreme   •  Free from mandatory warning symbols.
                            lubrication in wetrooms and areas   conditions such as high
                            as well as in critical areas in the   temperatures, high pressures,
                            food, pharmaceutical, printing and   shock and impact stresses and the
                            paper industries.         influence of water.                     NSF H1 registered (No:
        Soap Base           Inorganic                 Al complex                            135924 & 135928),
        Colour              Transparent               White                                 corresponds to the requirements
                                                                                            of USDA 1998 H1.
        NLGI Class (DIN 51818)  2                     2
        Temperature Range   –20° to 150°C               –45°C to 180°C (for short
                                                      periods up to 200°C)                  HACCP FZS Certified:
        Basic Oil Viscosity   100 mm /s               350 mm /s
        (at 40°C)
        Drop Point          None                      > 250
        (DIN ISO 2176)                                                            1   NSF = Internationally recognised organisation for the supervision
                                                                                   and registration of products used in the food sector.
        Worked Penetration (DIN   285                 285
        ISO 2137)
        Corrosion Protection   (SKF Emcor-Test, DIN 51802)  0                    Note:
        VKA Welding Load (DIN   1800 N                3000 N                     Greases are delivered in plastic cartridges. The
        51350)                                                                   plastic cartridges improve storage (they prevent
        Designation to DIN   KP2N-20                  KPFHC2R-40                 the grease from oozing out in high temperature
        51502                                                                    conditions). Store cartridges upright in a cool, dry
                                                                                 place. The operating instructions of the vehicle,
     AUS. pub. 12/14 ©  Lubricant system                                         machinery and aggregate manufactu rers must
        This information is only a recommendation based on our experience. Preliminary testing required.
                                                                                 be observed. For further  information see the
           Oil             Fat                        Paste               Dry lubricant                    Corrosion protection

                                                                                 technical information leaflet.
                                                         04 2505
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