P. 14
CHEMICALS - Cleaners/Protectors
Brake and Parts Cleaner (355) Brake Calliper File
Brake Cleaner Pump 1Ltr
Art. No. 00891 503 002
Art. No. 00890 108 7/715/716 500ml/5Ltr/20Ltr Art. No. 00714 61 79
For quickly removing oily/greasy residues, soot, brake dust on vehicles, disc and drum Tap for 20Ltr Brake Cleaner
brakes, engine and gearbox housings etc.
Art. No. 00891 302 03
Air Intake & Throttle Valve Diesel Particulate Filter Engine Flush & Cleaner Oil Smoke Stop 300ML
Cleaner 500ml
Cleaner 500ml 400ml/1Ltr Art. No. 05861 301 300
Art. No. 05861 113 500 Art. No. Reduces oil consumption by
Art. No. 05861 014 500 05861 310 400/001
Removes deposits and impuri- Cleaner for removing carbon and Pre-oil change clean ensures all old stabilising the viscosity and
ties in the intake and throttle ash deposits from diesel particu- oil deposits are effectively cleaned compensates viscosity losses.
valve area. Calibrated drill holes late filters and catalytic convertors. and removed. Helps prevent blue exhaust
and nozzles can also be cleaned Includes plastic probe.
with this process. Suitable for
Micro Absorber (382)
Engine Oil Enhancer 300ml Oil Leak Stop 300ml Oil Binder (383)
Art. No. 05861 300 300 Art. No. 05861 311 150 Art. No. 00890 6
Art. No. 00890 61
Extends the service life of oil. Eliminates engine oil leaks. Oil binding agent in granular form for Highly effective, fast-acting oil-
300ml sufficient for 5Ltrs. 300ml sufficient for 5Ltrs. removing oil stains and other chemi- binding granules for all applica-
cals from workshop floors, workbench- tions. (1Kg will absorb 0.9ltr of
es, etc. (Will absorb approx. 30Ltrs of oil)