P. 11
SKS Stonechip 1000ml Black/Grey
Underbody Seal 1Ltr Underbody Spray Sealer Corrosion Protection Spray
Art. No. 00892 075 200 500ml 300ml (499)
Art. No. 00892 070 100/200
Synthetic rubber and plastic-based coating Solvent-reduced water-based and paintable Art. No. 00892 075 250
Art. No. 00893 15
compound containing solvents and suitable coating mass based on synthetic resin. High creep capacity, colourless special
For repair and restoration of the
for painting over. Water-based. original structure and for protection
Rubber based containing solvents. Underseal Gun against stone chips and corrosion.
Underseal Gun Art. No. 00891 106 3
Art. No. 00891 106 3
Body Prot. Wax - Transparent
Wax Spray Transparent 400ml UBS Gun (504) RTV Silicone 200ml (184)
Art. No. 00893 082 400 Art. No. 00891 110 640 Art. No. 00893 321 2 Red
1Ltr (496)
Water displacing transparent wax for Art. No. 00892 082 Art. No. 00893 331 1/6 - Black/Grey
For applying under-body seal and wax
protection against corrosion. Provides lasting protection of sill Spray Lances for UBS Gun
Acid free high grade adhesive and sealing com-
panels, inside door spaces, etc. Art. No. 00891 110 001 pound for use with motor vehicles Temperature
against corrosion. resistant up to 315°C. . Loctite 37469
RTV Silicone Grey DP 300 Universal S Gasket/Sealer Remover
Silicone 250 70ml (185) ealer 100Gr
300ml (182)
Art. No. 00890 324 085 Art. No. 00890 321/323 Art. No. 00890 100 048
Grey Red/Black Permanently elastic, high temperature- Art. No. 00893 100 0
Permanent elastic silicone sealing com- Permanently elastic silicone sealing com- resistant engine and housing sealing com- Removes sealing materials,
pound for engine and vehicle body.
pound for engines and vehicle body. pound-used with solid seals. adhesives, paints, etc. in just
Temperature resistant up to 315°C. Temperature resistant up to 250°C. Not suitable for OIL PANS.
Loctite 5699 Loctite 518 Loctite 454