P. 6
CHEMICALS - Adhesives
Multi Fibre Adhesive (246) Panel Adhesive 310ml (237) Re-usable Spray Adhesive 400ml
Art. No. 00893 100 115 Art. No. 00893 100 100 Art. No. 00893 100 20
For adhesion of wood, metal, painted aluminium, Solvent-free, acrylic dispersion-based adhesive Removable spray adhesive for securing
hard PVC, concrete, natural stone, artificial stone, with high initial strength for bonding a wide lightweight materials
laminated materials, ceramics, hard foams made range of indoor materials.
from phenol resin and polyurethane.
Art. No. 00891 001 310ml Sealer Gun
Art. No. 00891 310 310ml Sealer Gun
Spray Adhesive 500ml (234) ntact Adhesive 1Ltr/5Ltr PUR Glue - Transparent 500Gr
Art. No. 00890 100 055 Art. No. 01893 1/5 Art. No. 00892 100 180
Fast-drying adhesive for all lightweight Poly-chloroprene polymer solution designed as Indoor use with frequent exposure to draining
materials. a general purpose contact adhesive. water or condensation water as well as all types of
wood in outdoor use with adequate surface protec-
tion. Interior and exterior applications.
Wood Glue Standard Wood Glue Fast Drying Wood Glue Water Resistant
Art. No. 01892 1/5/20 - 1Ltr/5Kg/20Kg Art. No. 01892 26/27 - 5Kg/20Kg
Art. No. 01892 29/30 - 5Kg/20Kg
Excellent adhesion to medium woods, soft woods, Excellent adhesion to medium woods, soft woods, Excellent adhesion to soft woods (Pine, Meranti),
processed board, leather, cloth, felt, paper, cardboard, processed board, leather, cloth, felt, paper, card- medium woods (Beech, Oak), hard woods (Imbuia,
cork and most other porous materials. Suitable board, cork and most other porous materials. Teak) and processed boards composites (hardboard,
for assembly, doweling, laminating, veneering, paper Suitable for assembly, doweling, laminating, veneer- chipboard, supa-wood, high pressure laminates.
foiling and finger-jointing. ing, paper foiling and finger-jointing. Interior and exterior applications. Outdoor use only
Indoor use - outdoor use only if joints are painted and Indoor use - outdoor use only if joints are painted if joints are painted and properly coated.
properly coated. and properly coated.
Not suitable for hard woods
Not suitable for hardwoods.