P. 5

CHEMICALS - Adhesives

      2 Component Adhesive AL-1                                                                                        Power Bond (223)
      Art. No. 00892 130 010                                                                                               Art. No. 00893 450 100
      Low-emission adhesive for bonding angle brackets in aluminium windows,   High strength 2-component epoxy resin system for repairs to motor-
      doors and façade construction                                                                                                                    vehicle bodies.
      Applicator Gun, Art. No. 00891 601 23                                                                                      Art. No. 00891 450 100 Applicator Gun
      Positive Mixer, Art. No. 00891 130 015                                                                              Art. No. 00891 450 101 Positive Mixer
      Aluminium Cleaner Type 60, Art. No. 00892 130 030

     Glass Metal Adhesive (260)                            Profile Rubber Glue 180Gr (238)               Hot Melt Adhesive  (3534)
     Art. No. 00893 40                                                   Art. No. 00890 100 015                                                    Art. No. 00890 100 057
     For easy gluing of glass and metal with and to   For adhesive bonding of rubber profiles   Good adhesion to painted surfaces.
     each other (rear view mirrors, metal latches and   on untreated, primed or painted metal.   High Strength Hot Melt Glue
     hinges on side windows, rain sensors, etc..
                                                                                    Art. No. 00890 100 050
                                                                                    High tensile strength glue sticks.

      Adhesive Remover 150ml (3524)                   Liquid Metal FE1 500Gr (218)                              Epoxy Repair Sticks 110Gr
      Art. No. 00893 141                                                             Art. No. 00893 449                                                   Art. No. 01893 446/447/448
      Easily removes cured melted adhesive from   Fast acting repair system for the metal pro-  2K– Putty for the quick & simple repair
      enamelled surfaces.                    cessing field. Ideal for filling shapes, sealing &   of surface damage. For plastic, alumini-
                                             filling in welds.                      um or  metal.

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