P. 4
CHEMICALS - Adhesives
Super Glue 20Gr/5Gr Primer for Plasto Bond
Plasto Bond 20Gr
Super Glue FLEX 20Gr
Art. No. 00893 09
Art. No. 00
Art. No. 00893 09/090 0 893 091 Art. No. 00893 091 5
For the adhesion of metal, plastic For bonding hard-to-glue plastics in a Pre-treating PE, PP, PTFE and silicone Tough and flexible black cyanoacrylate
and rubber parts with and to each matter of seconds. PA, PBT, PET, PI, rubber. with excellent thermal stability.
other. POM, TPE, TPO, filled elastomers and Art. No. 00893 301 20 Super Glue
Art. No. 00893 301 20 Super Glue natural rubber. Activator.
Activator. Primer for Plasto Bond Loctite 401
Loctite 401 Art. No. 00893 091 5
SKG Superglue Gel 3Gr
Art. No. 00893 403
Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Gel.
Super Glue Activator 150ml
Art. No. 00893 301 20 Super Glue Woodfix Super Glue 50Gr Replast Plastic Adhesive - Fast
Art. No. 00893 301 20
Activator. Loctite 454 Art. No. 00893 423 Art. No. 00893 500 3 - 1.5 minutes
Cyanoacrylate construction adhesive, For accelerating the reaction of Wurth Replast Plastic Adhesive Universal
especially for porous materials.
cyanoacrylate adhesives.
Art. No. 00893 301 20 Super Glue Art. No. 00893 500 4 - 3.5 minutes
Loctite 713
Loctite 4541 Replast Plastic Adhesive –SuperFast
Art. No. 00893 500 5 - 25 seconds
Re-enforcing Tape Replast Contour Film
Art. No. 00893 500 6 Art. No.00893 500 7
Plastic Adhesive SPECIAL
Art. No. 00893 480 001
Quick-hardening adhesive for plastics,
especially PP/PE
Fast Acting Epoxy Resin ESK - 50
Art. No. 00893 480 1
Suitable for bonding together various mate-
rials with high tensile and impact strength
and excellent resistance to flaking and Replast Applicator Gun Replast Plastic Cleaner
Applicator Gun Art. No. 00891 893 485 500ml
Gun for 00893 480 001 Replast Applicator Mixer Art. No. 00893 500 1
Art. No. 00891 893 486 Art. No. 00891 486