P. 16

CHEMICALS - Cleaners/Protectors

      Electrical Cleaning/Protecting

     Contact Oxidation Solvent (OL) 200ml    Contact Oxidation Prot. (OS) 200ml                       Contact Lacquer Prot. (SL) 200ml
     Art. No. 00893 60                                                                   Art. No. 00893 61                                                              Art. No. 00893 70
     Oxidation-dissolving cleaning agent.    Long term corrosion protection for new contacts,   Insulates, seals and protects against water,
                                             switches and electro mechanical drive gear units.   diluted acid, alkalis and corrosion.

     Contact Spray 300ml                                               IPA Cleaner 500ml                                                          Silicone Spray Grease 500ml (458)
     Art. No. 00890 100                                                      Art. No. 00893 223 500                                                   Art. No. 00893 223
                                             Suitable for a broad range of uses in the fields of
     Cleans ignition cables, distributor caps and   electronics, precision engineering and optics. For   White, extremely lubricant, water displacing
     plugs thus preventing ignition problems.   example, can be used to clean optical devices,   and insulating silicone grease - di-electric prop-
                                             reading and writing heads, precision instru-  erties.
                                             ments, PCBs, mirrors and highly polished metal

     Silicone Spray 500ml/5Ltr                               Battery Terminal Protection
                                              Art. No. 00890 104 - Spray Blue
     Art. No. 00893 221/01893 221 100
     Protects, maintains and insulates plastic, rubber   Art. No. 00890 104 1 - Grease Red
     and metal parts inside and outside the vehicle.   Battery Terminal Spray 300ml
     Also serves as a lubricant. Protects electrical
     parts against moisture.                  Art. No. 01890 104 - Red
                                              Art. No. 01890 105 - Blue


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