Page 20 - Business in Focus Annual Report 2017 v2
P. 20

20                                ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017AL REPORT 2016-2017                                                                                 BUSINESS IN FOCUS                                            21

          COVER TO COVER                                                                                                         TRUFFLE

          Tim Batcup took over Cover to Cover, a busy         Tim was made aware of Business in Focus’ Start                     Business partners Jodie Barlow-Haynes and           to write a business plan, financial forecasts and
          independent bookshop situated in the village        Up Loan service by his Business Wales adviser.                     Jonathan Cox have revamped the restaurant           completion of the application for a Start Up Loan.
          of Mumbles, after receiving a £14,000 Start Up      Tim continues to observe trends in customer                        Truffle, with thanks in part to a start-up loan     Following a brief closure to refurbish the
          Loan. Tim said, “I received a superb and personal   demand while responding to them as quickly as                      of £50,000.                                         restaurant, the pair plan to carry on Truffle’s
          service from my adviser, who explained options,     possible. He is planning several author events                     The Brynmill based restaurant, now run by           offering of a three-course set menu and ‘bring
          schemes and the best way forward for me”.           at the bookshop and is also forging links with                     Jodie and Jonathan, was established 12 years        your own’ alcohol policy. Jonathan has been a

          Cover to Cover stocks a variety of new titles and it   schools, the university and other institutions.                 ago and has been successful ever since. The         chef for over 20 years and will be running the
          has an excellent children’s department. They also                                           couple decided whilst travelling that they wanted   kitchen cooking the Mediterranean cuisine,
          have a wide selection of gift stock, complementing                                                                     to make a lifestyle change away from Jodie’s        whilst Jodie manages the front of house.
          the bookshop’s atmosphere.                                                                                             desk job and Jon’s long chef hours. Once home,      Jodie said; “None of this would have been
                                                                                                                                 they heard that Truffle was on the market and
          Tim has worked in the book trade all his life, from                                                                                                                        possible without the support from Business in
          libraries to online books and even a book bus.                                                                         snapped it up.                                      Focus, and the funding they helped us to access.
          Tim said; “The opportunity arose to take over                                                                          Jodie and Jonathan each received a loan of £25,000   Our adviser has been brilliant; he helped with
          this well-established business, so I jumped at                                                                         which enabled them to purchase the lease,           the business plan and the loan application.”
          the chance”.                                                                                                           goodwill, and company. They received support

        START UP LOAN                                                                                                          START UP LOAN

        CASE STUDY                                                                                                             CASE STUDY
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