Page 25 - Business in Focus Annual Report 2017 v2
P. 25

ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017AL REPORT 2016-2017
 24  ANNU                                       BUSINESS IN FOCUS                                            25

 TENANT                                                                                          TENANT
 SUCCESS                                                                                      SUCCESS

 STORIES                                                                                       STORIES


 Wales’ only dedicated simulator racing   Formula 1 themed throughout and able to   Since Gingenious was founded in 2007 by   “Now we’re in the biggest unit we’ve ever
 centre – The Race Cave – was opened in   accommodate a total of 34 drivers, there are   Creative Director Ben Smith, the company   occupied, employing more people than ever
 March 2017 at our Treforest site by four-time   four rooms, catering from 7 to 15 drivers.   has developed into a vibrant, enthusiastic   before, still growing... and we haven’t even
 Formula 1 world champion, Sebastian Vettel.    During summer months, a further 16   Production Company with a simple mission   had to change address!
 It is the ultimate gaming venue for motor   simulators are hosted outdoors in exhibition   – to bring brands and their audiences closer   “One of the best things about Business in
 sport enthusiasts, filled with model cars,   vehicles. Motorbike simulators and reaction   together through video.   Focus is the sense of community and being
 gaming chairs and racing memorabilia. Solo   machines – used by Formula 1 drivers    They have been based at Business in Focus in   able to share, not only services, but also
 gamers or groups can visit the Race Cave   for training – also feature.  Cardiff Bay since 2010 and have – at one stage   advice, stories and fun along the way.
 and play against each other or other guests   The Race Cave is available to hire for parties,   or another – pretty much occupied every unit!  “If you’re thinking of taking the next step in
 at the simulator racing centre.  but also offers regular race meetings, winter   Ben explains: “Business in Focus has been    your business, or expanding from your current
 leagues and ‘arrive and Drive’ sessions.
             a terrific partner for us. A few years ago,      offices, we couldn’t recommend Business in   we decided to cut back and refocus the   Focus any more highly. Their services and
             business, and being able to move to a smaller    spaces can grow with you, which is a fantastic
             unit within the same building was really         resource for any developing business.”
             helpful in our development.
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