Page 22 - Business in Focus Annual Report 2017 v2
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          22                                ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017AL REPORT 2016-2017                                                                                 BUSINESS IN FOCUS                                            23


          The Business in Focus             Following many years of            We now house more than                            The portfolio provides a           An audit valuation was            We expect the SME market to
          Property portfolio continues      development, the enviable          300 businesses across the                         considerable financial return      completed during the year and     continue to underpin the Welsh
          to be a cornerstone for           portfolio now comprises a          entire portfolio, a growth in                     for the organisation and, with     saw a growth in the overall       economy and our aim is to
          the organisation.                 total of 14 sites; 8 owned and     number of over 25% in the                         our occupancy levels now           portfolio value to £10,615,000,   expand our capacity to provide
                                            6 managed, stretching from         last five years. This clearly                     steadily in excess of 97%,         and we will maintain our          it with quality accommodation
                                            Newport to Swansea and to          demonstrates our appetite to                      we have a model that can be        investment to ensure our          and support.
                                            the Heads of the Valleys.          support business through our                      developed. During 2016/17          premises continue to provide

                                            During the financial year          property portfolio as well as                     we conducted a review of our       the right environment for
                                            2016-17, we commenced              our credentials as an effective                   banking facilities resulting in a   ambitious growing businesses.
                                            management of the Whitbread        managing agent.                                   change in bankers during 2017.
                                            Enterprise Centre, Rhymney,        Our tenants range from single                     This will enable us to make
                                            a 22,000 sq ft site of mixed       person businesses to large                        further investments in business
                                            use business accommodation,        national and international                        accommodation and provide
                                            and a building in Newport          companies employing                               incubation services for SMEs
                                            comprising seven office suites.    significant numbers of                            in Wales.
                                            We anticipate occupancy to         people. Our tenants are well
                                            have grown to more than            supported by our dedicated
                                            50% of the floor area by           and resourceful property team,
                                            the end of 2017, which is a        and receive all the benefits of
                                            significant achievement from       Business in Focus’ contracted
                                            a standing start.                  Business Support services to
                                                                               support their business goals.                                                                        %

          OCCUPANCY                         SITES                                                                                TENANTS                                                              PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                                                           2012 - 2017

                                            8       OWNED                      6        MANAGED                                                                                                       VALUATION

               97            %                                                                                                   April 2016        March 2017                                            £10.6

                                                                                                                                 294 301                                                                      million
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