Page 43 - BT1_FlipBook_V1_060721_Final
P. 43

a Beer style we present in our series...

              Bre  Beer                                                                                         episode 1

              Color:  Any  color  is  acceptable.  Beer  color  may  be   Beer categories. Entries exhibi ng addi onal sensory
              influenced  by  the  color  of  added  fruits  or  other   a ributes characteris c arising from microbes other
              ingredients.                                      than  Bre   are  categorized  as  Mixed  Culture  Bre
              Clarity: Chill haze and/or haze from yeast is allowable
              at low to medium levels at any temperature        When  using  these  guidelines  as  the  basis  for
                                                                evalua ng entries at compe  ons, brewers may be
              Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: In darker versions,   asked  to  provide  supplemental  informa on  about
              roasted  malt,  caramel  and  chocolate  aromas  and   entries  in  this  category  to  allow  for  accurate
              flavors are present at low levels.                 evalua on of diverse entries. Such informa on might
                                                                include  the  underlying  beer  style  upon  which  the
              Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Low to high         entry is based, or other informa on unique to the
                                                                entry such as type of Bre (s) used, fruit(s) or other
              Perceived Bi erness: Low to high                  ingredients  used  or  other  factors  which  influence
                                                                perceived sensory outcomes.
              Fermenta on Characteris cs: Medium to high fruity
              esters  are  present.  Acidity  resul ng  from    Alcohol by Weight (Volume) Varies with style
                                                                Hop Bi erness (IBU) Varies with style
              Bre anomyces  fermenta on  results  in  a  complex   Color SRM (EBC) Varies with style
              flavor  profile.  Bre anomyces  character,  at  low  to   See Copyright-note on page 57
              high  levels,  should  be  present  and  expressed  as
              horsey, goaty, leathery, phenolic, fruity and/or acidic
              aromas and flavors. Bre anomyces character may or
              may not be dominant. Acidity from Bre anomyces
              should be low to medium-low. Cultured yeast strains
              may be used in the fermenta on. Beers fermented
              with  Bre anomyces  that  do  not  exhibit  a ributes
              typical  of  Bre anomyces  fermenta on  are
              categorized elsewhere. Beers in this style should not
              incorporate  bacteria  or  exhibit  a  bacteria-derived
              flavor  profile.  Diacetyl  and  DMS  should  not  be

              Body: Low to high

              Addi onal notes: Fruited versions will exhibit fruit
              flavors in balance with other elements. Wood vessels
              may be used for fermenta on and aging, but wood-
              derived flavors and aromas such as vanillin should
              not  be  present.  Residual  flavors  and  aromas
              origina ng from liquids previously aged in a barrel
              (bourbon,  sherry,  etc.)  should  not  be  present.
              Versions exhibi ng a ributes derived from wood or
              liquids previously aged in wood are categorized in
              Wood-Aged Beer categories. Sour wood- and barrel-
              aged versions are categorized in Wood-aged Sour-
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