Page 41 - BT1_FlipBook_V1_060721_Final
P. 41

a beer style we present in our series...
                                                                                                                episode 2
               Munich-Style Helles

               Color: Pale to gold

               Clarity: Appearance should be clear. Chill haze
               should not be present

               Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt aroma and
               flavor are pronounced. Low levels of yeast-
               produced sulfur aromas and flavors may be
               present. Malt character is some mes bready and
               sugges ve of lightly toasted malted barley. There
               should be no caramel character.

               Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Hop aroma is not
               present to low. Hop flavor is very low to low,
               derived from noble-type hops.

               Perceived Bi erness: Low, derived from European
               noble-type hops.

               Fermenta on Characteris cs: Fruity esters, DMS
               and diacetyl should not be present. A very low level
               of sulfur a ributes may be present in balance with
               other a ributes.

               Body: Medium

               Addi onal notes: Many beer brands known as
               Austrian-Style Maerzen are nearly indis nguishable
               from Munich-Style Helles and are appropriately
               categorized here.
                                                              the famous oktoberfest

               Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.8%-4.4% (4.8%-5.6%)
               Hop Bi erness (IBU) 18-25
               Color SRM (EBC) 4-5.5 (8-11 EBC)
               See Copyright-note on page 57
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