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                                    brewing world forever: In 1842, brewmaster Josef
                                                                Groll took Saaz hops, pale malt, and the so  water in
                                                                the town of Pilsen (now Plzen) to brew a fairly pale
                                                                wort which he fermented with bo om-fermen ng
               THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU LIKE beer...               yeast that he brought from Bavaria. Soon the Pilsner
                          Beer Bike Tour                        Beer  became  the  gold  standard  for  brewing  lager.
                                    While  top-fermen ng  beers  had  dominated  the
                                                                brewing scene of Bohemia un l the mid 19th century,
                          Brewery Tour Pilsner Urquell          most ales had disappeared by 1900. But not all of
                                  them were replaced by pale lagers of the Pilsner type
                                                                – many beer drinkers in Prague and other large towns
                                                                preferred (and s ll prefer) to drink a dark, roasty, and
                                                                bi er dark lager, the “Prager Dunkles”. And they do
                                                                drink  a  lot  of  beer:  According  to  the  Brewers  of
               bohemia and beer                                 Europe, the per capita consump on of beer in the
              Since the middle ages, beer from Bohemia (and to a   Czech  Republic  was  141  liters  in  2018  –  a  world
              lesser extent from other regions that now form the   record!  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  essen al  to
              Czech Republic) has enjoyed fame in all countries it   understand  sta s cs:  The  data  also  include  those
              was exported to. And similar fame was won by the   beers that were consumed by the tourists visi ng the
              hops grown around the small towns of Saaz (now    country,  its  cozy  taverns  (called  “Pivnice”),  and
              named  Žatec  in  Czech)  and  Michelob  (now     breweries. Many of the breweries offer tours – the
              Měcholupy).  These  hops  are  one  of  the  main   Pilsner  Urquell  brewery  welcomes  more  than
              ingredients  for  the  beer  style  that  changed  the   250,000 visitors per year.
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