Page 23 - Microsoft Word - RYA Guidance - Misconduct a Reference for Race Officials (ex covers) - 01 13 v2.docx
P. 23
Recommended action/penalties
37 General
37.1 A list of recommended actions and penalties is in Appendix B.
37.2 The recommended actions and penalties are just those - recommendations.
It is important that the protest committee considers the offence in the context
of all relevant factors.
37.3 Use the recommended penalties as starting points and adjust accordingly for
any aggravating or mitigating circumstances.
37.4 The following are some aggravating factors (the list is not exclusive) which
should lead the protest committee to take more severe action:
37.4.1 repeat offences;
37.4.2 discriminatory conduct (e.g. on grounds of sex, race, disability,
sexuality, age etc.);
37.4.3 intentional damage to property;
37.4.4 violence or aggression (whether actual or perceived by the victim);
37.4.5 abuse of race officials or other volunteers;
37.4.6 the competitor shows no remorse or perception that the misconduct
was wrong;
37.4.7 the misconduct is witnessed by a large number of people; or
37.4.8 the sport/event has been brought into disrepute with the local
community/wider public.
37.5 The following are some mitigating factors (the list is not exclusive) which
should lead the protest committee to take less severe action:
37.5.1 there is no evidence of prior misconduct and it is likely the competitor
will not transgress again;
37.5.2 the misconduct was reckless rather than intentional or wilful;
37.5.3 non-malicious excess aggression arising from youth or inexperience of
the sport;
37.5.4 an isolated instance of knowingly breaking a rule without the intent to
do so;
37.5.5 the misconduct was not witnessed by a significant number of people;
37.5.6 the competitor shows genuine remorse for his actions.
January 2013 22