Page 13 - October 2018 TT and AGM Minutes
P. 13
Minutes of the Rickmansworth Sailing Club AGM
held Sunday 19 November 2017 at the Clubhouse
Present: I Turffrey (Commodore), Ann Allen (Vice Commodore), P Johnson (Hon Sec), J Thomson
(Hon Treasurer), M Hawkins, D Hurst (Hon Sailing Sec), S Hodges (Hon Membership Sec) Committee
Members: Sue Davies, L Dowling, Amy Francis and 21 others as per the attendance sheet.
Apologies: E Baker, L Marcinowicz, C Marcinowicz, I Moore, T Porter, A Richards, P Tobin (Rear
Commodore), M Tobin, J Vaughan.
The Commodore welcomed everyone to the AGM and opened the meeting.
1. Adoption of the previously circulated minutes as a true record of the AGM held on 27
November 2016 was agreed by all.
2. Having been circulated to all members before the meeting the Committee Report for
2016/2017, was taken as read. There were no questions. Adoption of the report was agreed.
3. An income and spend account, with notes, for the financial year to 30 June 2017 and subject to
approval by the Club Accountant was circulated prior to the meeting.
3.1. Hon Treasurer commented;
3.1.1. A healthy surplus of £6,119 was achieved, mainly from an increase in subs and
mooring fees.
3.1.2. Profit from tea, coffee and biscuits was similar to bar profit.
3.2. Hon Treasurer thanked M Hawkins and others who had developed new software to
simplify payment and recoding of fees.
3.3. An appeal was made to members for a volunteer to take on the role of Hon Treasurer.
3.4. L Dowling thanked the Hon Treasurer for all his hard work.
A Wilson proposed the accounts be adopted, subject to approval by the RSC Accountant, this
was seconded by D Matthews and agreed by all.
4. Refurbishment and extension of clubhouse.
4.1. The Commodore reported that an Architect had been selected to help develop
proposals for the clubhouse and the committee is waiting for his recommendations.
4.2. D Matthews said that a number of Club members had concerns about the plans that
had been circulated.
4.3. M Smethers pointed out that the detailed internal layout was not important at this
stage but the footprint that matters.
4.4. J Ashton questioned if £100k would be sufficient. P Johnson explained that this was just
a figure at present which is balanced in the 5 Year Plan by an amount to be raised, costs
and funding will have to balance.
5. 5 Year Plan
5.1. The Hon Sec explained the reason for the 5 Year Plan was to plan for the future and give
direction to the Committee.