Page 15 - October 2018 TT and AGM Minutes
P. 15
9.2. The proposed change to rule 14.3.1(e) was seconded by Merelene Davies and agreed.
9.3. Regarding the new rule 15.4, in reply to a question from D Matthews, M Smethers
explained that the five-year review did not necessarily mean that trustees would be
changed, indeed this should be avoided whenever possible. The proposed change was
seconded by D Hurst and agreed.
9.4. The proposed change to rule 16 was seconded by I Turffrey and agreed.
9.5. The proposed change new rule 24.1 was seconded by S Davies and agreed.
10. Bye Laws:
10.1. Some members did not support the intended change to Bye Law 3 to make it
compulsory for any one afloat to wear a PFD at all times. It was accepted that PFDs
should be worn when providing RYA training but not necessarily when operating as a
private club. One objection was on the grounds of overheating in hot weather.
10.2. Judith Young asked why the flat roof and starting box should be out of bounds except
during racing (Bye Law 9). It was agreed that this was not the intention, the committee
will review.
11. AOB from the committee or of which notice received:
11.1. M Smethers explained that changes to the Data Protection Laws would mean that all
members must expressly agree to have their name, telephone number(s), postal
address and e-mail address published in the handbook and available online (in the
secure members area). If a member does not agree to have their e-mail address kept in
the database then the communications from the Club will be frustrated, possibly limited
only to notice of a general meeting. There was some discussion about what to publish in
the members’ hand book and internet security.
11.2. The Committee was thinking of holding working parties in the months of January and
February instead of sailing to allow more efficient use of resources and to minimize the
impact of working parties on Sunday sailing numbers. Some members felt this a
retrograde step and did not agree with this.
11.3. There was no other business presented in writing before the AGM.
12. Members present were asked if they had any other business:
12.1. With reference to item 8.4 above D Matthews was concerned that this would mean that
the OOD and team would have to be at the Club from 9am. P Johnson said that 10am
should be ok but this will be properly considered.
12.2. L Dowling implored members, especially “young members”, to suggest ideas for social
events and to volunteer to help with these events.
12.3. OODs and members were asked to turn off the water pump, in the Ladies toilets, when
closing up the Club.
There being no further business the meeting was concluded. Tea with cake was served, thanks to
Ann Allen.
Paul Johnson – Hon. Sec.