Page 14 - October 2018 TT and AGM Minutes
P. 14

5.2.   In response to the only question from the floor the Club cannot apply for Gift Aid as we
                           are not a charity.

                   Adoption of the 5 Year Plan was proposed by L Dowling, seconded by A Wilson and agreed by all.
               6.  Election of Officers and Committee:
                    6.1.   The Commodore thanked the committee and others who had supported him over the
                           past two years and was confident that the new Commodore will receive the same
                           support in the Club’s 88  and 89  years.
                    6.2.   The committee’s proposal that Mrs Ann Allen be elected Commodore was seconded by
                           D Matthews, there being no other nominations Mrs Ann Allen was elected.
                           The new Commodore thanked Ian Turffrey for all he had done over the past years and
                           presented him with a Commodore’s Cup. She also thanked Madeline Turffrey for her
                           support and presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
                    6.3.   The committee’s proposal that P Tobin be elected Vice Commodore was seconded by I
                           Turffrey, there being no other nominations P Tobin was elected.
                    6.4.   The committee’s proposal that J Thomson be elected Rear Commodore was seconded
                           by S Davies, there being no other nominations J Thomson was elected.
               7.  Hardcastle Burton was recommended by the Committee to act as the club’s accountant, their
                   election was proposed by A Wilson, seconded C Buckland and agreed by all.

               8.  Proposals for the 2018/19 sailing programme were invited. The Hon Sailing Sec said that the
                   Club must aim to get more people sailing.
                    8.1.   Hon Sailing Sec said that in the new season the first race will revert to a 12 noon start,
                           novice racing will be encouraged and a youth group, called The Trojans, will start.
                    8.2.   D Matthews asked if the committee will retain total control of The Trojan finances, the
                           Hon Treasurer assured him that it will.

                    8.3.   J Young reminded members that the Club is open on from 1pm to 4.30pm on the
                           second Tuesday and fourth Wednesday of each month May to October for U3A sailing
                           and that Club members are encouraged to visit at these times.
                    8.4.   The Commodore said that the committee plan to schedule free sailing every Sunday
                           from May to September from 10.30 am to around 12 noon especially for new sailors to
                           practice and develop their skills and to provide an opportunity to be introduced to
                    8.5.   Club dinghies were not always in good condition, efforts will be made to ensure they
                           are well maintained. M Smethers said that a new process for booking Club dinghies out
                           and in had just been introduced. J Ashton pointed out that recording breakages is fine
                           but asked who would fix them. The Commodore invited volunteers to help with this.
                    8.6.   It was noted that it can be difficult to identify Club dinghies. The Hon Sailing Sec said
                           that if the number on a green trolley tag was less than 50 then this was a Club boat. He
                           plans to rearrange berths so that Club boats are berthed together and each hull suitably
                    8.7.   Wendy Barnes reminded members that when putting away a Club boat that has a boom
                           up cover then the boom must be up for the cover to do its’ job.
               9.  The committee’s proposed rule changes had been circulated before the AGM, the Commodore
                   asked M Smethers to address any questions from the floor.
                    9.1.   Regarding the change to rule 5.3;  Merelene Davies cautioned against an over reliance
                           on technology and in reply to a question about who would be allowed to vote at an
                           AGM, M Smethers explained that as soon as a member is elected by the committee
                           they become eligible to vote.  The proposed change was seconded by J Ashton and
                           agreed with just one vote against.
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