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information and technical help.

                        A good knowledge of International Regulations to Prevent the Collision At
                        Sea (IRPCAS), and the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) is
                        also needed.

                P.1.2 Organisation

                        A  meeting  of  the  full  PC  prior  to  the  start  and  finish  of  the  race  is
                        recommended. During the race, issues may be resolved remotely, by email,
                        conference  call,  or  other  means.  All  judges  must  be  available  for  contact
                        throughout the race.

                        For continuity in a race that has various legs, it is preferable to keep at least
                        the chairman and one other member of the PC throughout the entire race.
                        After a leg of the race, local judges may take part in the PC, provided that all
                        the required skills required are maintained.

                P.1.3 Initial meeting

                        An initial meeting of the full PC is advisable, to organise the communications
                        methods and response within the PC. All members should be familiar with
                        the use of the chosen technology. The aim is to define a policy to reduce
                        misunderstanding,  and  to  ensure  confidentiality  when  discussing
                        discretionary penalties or redress.
                        PC members are advised to be familiar with section H 8 of this Manual for
                        media contact. Otherwise, at least, a full pre-race briefing with the Organising
                        Authority, race management, Race Committee and, Technical Committee is
                        necessary, to define and understand the roles and responsibilities of each

                        PC  members  must  handle  information  relating  to  emergencies,  serious
                        accidents  or  any  dangers  relating  to  competitors  sensitively.  The
                        confidentiality of the information must be safeguarded. The chapter on Crisis
                        Management in the World Sailing Manual for Race Officials, and Appendix E
                        of OSR both provide guidance.

                        The PC may, in the interest of transparency, publish its Discretionary Penalty
                        policy in advance

                P.2  Responsibilities

                P.2.1.  As stated in RRS Appendix N1, “the international jury is responsible
                        for hearing and deciding all protests, requests for redress, and all other
                        matters arising under the rules of Part 5. When asked by the
                        organising authority or the race committee, it shall assist them on any
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