Page 49 - CASA Bulletin of Anesthesiology 2019 Vol 6 No 5
P. 49

Vol.6,  No.5, 2019

                                                                                       DOI: 10.31480/2330-4871/099
                    of morphine on tumor progression: Use of the regional   tion of chronic opioid intake warrants precision driven
                    anesthesia, co-application of peripherally restricted opi-  human studies.  The promising direction of the anesthe-
                    oids antagonists, and/or change in narcotics given. Any   siology-relevant discovery lies in understanding cancer
                    of these approaches need to be clinically verified.    progression, metabolic effects, and the ability to handle
                      The  effect  of  prolonged  opioids  intake  on  seizure   the acute stress in a patient taking opioids chronically.
                    threshold, glucose metabolism or stress response has   Declarations
                    been demonstrated, but lack of clinical translation pre-
                    cludes providing a specific recommendation for anes-  Ethics  approval  and  consent  to  participate  -  Not
                    thesia plan preparation in addition to ASA standards.   applicable.
                      Finally, it is important to remain cognizant of the dif-  Competing Interests
                    ferential efficacy of opioid therapy according to sex. Al-  The  authors  declare  that  they  have  no  competing
                    though the mechanism of this difference has still yet to   interests.
                    be elucidated, multiple clinical studies have shown that
                    women frequently experience more pain during surgical   Funding
                    procedures and often require more opioids to achieve   This research did not receive any specific grant from
                    similar analgesia to men [48,78-80]. Understanding the   funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-
                    magnitude of this effect should guide perioperative spe-  profit sectors.
                    cialists to manage patients accordingly in the postoper-
                    ative period.                              Authors’ Statement
                    Future Research Directions                    All authors reviewed the final version of manuscript
                                                               and agreed for its publication.
                      Lack of well controlled, prospective studies conduct-
                    ed with patients is the most important recommenda-  Acknowledgment
                    tion for research progress in the future. Small studies   This  work  was  supported  by  NIH  NIGM  K23
                    with well-controlled confounders, with sound method-  GM120630 awarded to KL
                    ology (longitudinal series), can provide a high level of
                    evidence leading to formulating a recommendation for   References
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                     Transl Perioper & Pain Med 2019; 6 (4)                                   • Page 125 •
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