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P. 8


               The new year has a way of eliciting a response in each of us to have an inner dialog with ourselves
               regarding where we are on our life journey and what accomplishments and failures did we consume this
               last year and what can we implement into our lives to make things better in the way of new year’s
               resolutions. This reality is real year after year each of us looking into the mirror knowing that some time
               eluded us, so we are willing to jam our emotions into new year’s resolutions expecting to have a
               different outcome with life progressing in the areas that have most often caused the most pain and
               frustration. Our look in the mirror shouldn’t reveal pain and disappointment but preferably away from
               our current situations by moving with purpose on our short journey of life.

               Move With Purpose
               It’s the second month of the year have you stuck to your guns are your new year’s resolutions in tack or
               have you thrown them to the waist side. In any case, it’s time to move with purpose now. What exactly
               does that mean to move with purpose, and what if you don’t know what your use is in this life?

               The truth is most of us don’t know our purpose or haven’t even thought about it on any level, and we’re
               not here to manipulate or persuade you into some calling or purpose, but we are here to tell you, you
               do have a mission of fulfilling whether you like it or not. The purpose of you is powerful to feel the
               warmth, love, and harmony you deserve; you need to find your purpose.

               The use of you we know for sure is not to waste time, not to allow your environment or individuals to
               dictate what you can accomplish in life, not to let your fear to hold you back from your goals, not to stay
               comfortable, so growth never occurs, not to have small meaningless relationships, and not to feel sorry
               for yourself and give up on life. Even though you may not know what your purpose is right now it's
               straightforward to understand what your purpose isn’t so staying shackled to anyone or a number of the
               above situations can and will become a health issue by way of stress, anxiety, depression, sedentary
               lifestyle, and not to mention all the hormonal changes and inflammation build up in the body.

               Your purpose has nothing to do with standing still and giving up on yourself so, you must move with
               purpose rejuvenate your spirit, energy, and focus and establish a high standard of yourself because no
               one else will. Your time for regrowth is now you have the opportunity to make positive habits in every
               area of your life that will help you move with purpose, and as you take massive action your use or your
               calling in this short but precious life will manifest if you haven’t already absorbed your mission, either
               way, your movement is required to have purpose!

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