Page 24 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 24


             some detergent if it is available. Coil               run the rope through your hands
             and hang rope up to dry out after                     several times to get out all the

             washing. Even though synthetic rope                   unwanted twists. If, when you are
             will not rot, it is better that it is stored          making a coil, the rope starts to build

             dry.                                                  up a lot of twist, it will help to spin the
                  Some people find that rope has a                 whole coil held in your hand to get rid
             mind of its own and likes nothing                     of the kinks as they start to develop.

             better that to get into a complete                         Having made your coil, there are a
             tangle. Much of this is due to the way                number of ways to keep the coil tidily

             that rope is coiled and uncoiled,                     in its place, so that when the time
             because when doing this a degree of                   comes, it is easily used. The coil can be
             twist is imparted to the rope. It is,                 tied up in three or four places with thin

             therefore, important to coil and uncoil               pieces of line or “stops.” This is often
             the rope in the appropriate manner to                 how rope is delivered from the makers.

             keep this twist to a minimum. Always                  The tail end of the rope may be used to
             uncoil a new Z-laid rope in an                        self-stop the rope, giving a round coil.
             anticlockwise direction. Likewise,                    The buntline or gasket coil is another

             whenever the rope is coiled up, do that               way of storing the rope in a tidy and
             in a clockwise direction. Of course,                  accessible manner, this time in a

             should you ever come across S-laid                    “hank” form. Whether you use the
             rope, deal with it in exactly the oppo¬               self-stop coil or the buntline coil, if the
       Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
             site manner. For braided rope, either                 tail end is used as a bight to make the

             use the special figure-of-eight method                stop, you will be left with a convenient
             of coiling or the flake method. These                 loop from which to hang the coil. For

             coiling methods balance the twist in                  illustrations of these techniques see
             the rope. If for some reason you must                 pages 24-25.

             make a plain circular coil with braided                    There is an old seafarers’ saying
             rope, make absolutely certain that                    that goes something like, “every hair a
             when the coil is uncoiled it is done in               rope yarn, every finger a marlinespike,

             the opposite way to which it was                      their blood is Stockholm tar.” The tar
             coiled. Whatever method you use, if                   used for preserving the rope was used

             you get kinks and twists in any rope,                 so much that a sailor would always

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