Page 20 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 20


              Hemp is a natural fiber obtained from                 Sisal is a rope-making fiber derived
              the stem of the plant Cannabis sativa. It             from Agave sisalana, a cactus-type

              has been used to make cordage of all                  plant from Central America. It is weaker
              sorts for hundreds of years. Hemp                     than Manila or hemp and requires

              makes one of the strongest natural-fiber              treating with chemicals to make it
              ropes, but it does have a tendency to rot             waterproof and rot-resistant. First

              if left wet for a long period of time, so             exported from a port on the Yucatan
              in the past it was frequently tarred. This            peninsula that sounded like Sisal, it is
              slightly reduced its strength but greatly             now grown in many parts of the world

              extended its life. Supplies of rope made              as a low-cost cordage fiber used to
              from this material are rare today.                    make rope, small twines, and string.

               Manila is a fiber obtained from the                  Coir is derived from the outer part of
              wild banana plant, Musa textilis, and                 the coconut. It has been used as

              was introduced from the Philippines at                cordage for centuries in the Indian sub¬
              the beginning of the nineteenth centu¬                continent. It is not very strong but is

              ry. The word “hemp” had become                        light, so large ropes or cables can be
              synonymous with rope fiber and the                    made. In fact, it is the only natural rope
              place of origin was used to describe the              that will float. It is fairly resistant to rot

              quality—for example, St. Petersburg                   in salt water. When made up into a
               hemp, Riga hemp, Italian hemp—all                    rope it has a high degree of stretch, so
         Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
              from the cannabis plant. When this                    was used in the past as tow ropes and
              new rope fiber was introduced from                    even mooring ropes as the stretch
              the Philippines it was called “Manila                 reduced the strain put upon the ship as

              hemp,” giving rise to some confusion.                 it jerked about. When used in the West,
              This ropemaking material proved to be                 rope made from Coir was sometimes

              as strong as real hemp and was more                   referred to as “Bass” or “Grass” rope.
              resistant to rot, so rarely needed to be
              tarred. Manila rope is still being made,              Cotton is also used for making

               and exported from the Philippines                    cordage, mainly small ropes and
              today, although sadly the quality is not              twines, and, because it can be spun so

              what it was 70 or more years ago.                     finely, it is especially good for making

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