Page 18 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 18


               Over the centuries mankind has made                   direction of the twist as seen in the
               rope from many materials, both plant                  yarn, strand, or rope. This avoids the

               fibers and animal fibers. These may be                question as to what is meant by left and
               twisted or plaited together. In the past              right, which could refer to the direction

               this would have been done by hand or                  shown in the twist or the direction in
               with very primitive machines. Today,                  which the twist is applied.
               many new synthetic materials have                          Much of the rope used today, espe¬

               been developed, far stronger than the                 cially that using fiber from synthetic
               natural fibers, and machines have been                materials, is braided. Sometimes it is

               built that can make thousands of feet                 braided as a hollow tube, sometimes
               of rope in a day.                                     with a core which may consist of yarns

                    Twisted rope is made by twisting                 of the same or different material braided,
                (or spinning) together fibers in one                 twisted, or left parallel. There are also

               direction to make yarn, then a number                 braids made from eight or twelve
               of yarns are twisted (or to use the rope¬             heavy strands, half the strands being
               making term “laid up”) together in the                S-laid and the other Z. This gives a

               opposite direction to make a strand.                  rope that does not easily kink and
               Three or four of these strands are then               makes an ideal anchor rope.

               usually laid together with an opposite                     Cordage is the collective word for
          Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
               twist to make the rope. Occasionally                  all types and sizes of rope, and there is
               three ropes may be twisted together                   a great choice of fibers that cordage can

               again in the opposite direction to make               be made from. Each of the fibers has its
               what is called “cable laid rope,” usually             own properties and may be just right

               referred to as “cable.”                               for a certain job. There are two main
                    There can be much confusion as to                groups of fibers: those made from
               the description of the direction of the               natural materials derived directly from

               twist of any one of the components.                   plants and synthetic or man-made
               The industry standard is to define it by              fibers that are chemically created,

               the letters S and Z, the body of the                  being extruded from machines as
               appropriate letter signifying the                     continuous fibers.

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