Page 16 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 16


             “To put a rnarlinespike in a man’s hand               the world that the captain was master of a

             and to set him to work on a piece of                  ship manned by the most skilled of
             rigging is considered a fair trial of his             seamen. It must not be thought that all this

             qualities as an able seaman.”                         decorative rope work was only for show.
                                                                   Most decoration had a function as well,

             So wrote R. H. Dana in 1845 in The                    for example the footropes, those ropes
             Seaman's Friend and he went on,                       hanging below the yards on which the
                                                                   sailor stood to furl the sails, would have

             “The rigging of a ship requires                       Turk’s head knots tied on them to stop the
             constant mending, covering and working                sailors’ feet slipping.

             upon in a multitude of ways.”                              It could be said that a sailor would be
                                                                   judged by the quality of the ropework
             The basic rigging of a ship would be done             with which he surrounded himself, such

             before she set sail by shore-based riggers,           as on his sea-chest with the handles or
             but as soon as she had started her voyage,            beckets, well-made grommets parcelled,

             work began setting the rigging to the                 wormed, leathered, and finished with
             master’s own special ideas. The                       Turk’s heads, or a far more demanding
             master of a sailing ship took great pride in          pair of hitched, grafted, and coach-

             the appearance of the ship yet kept a close           whipped chest beckets. The lanyard or
             eye on the costs, and would use the free              handle to his seabag, or the non-slip

             labor of the most skilled ropeworker to               handle on his knife, all showed the
       Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
             add details of decorative ropework to the             owner’s skill with rope, speaking far
             ship herself, with manropes, decorative               clearer than any certificate of his ability

             strops on some of the blocks, coach-                  to understand and use the appropriate
             whipped rails, and fancy mats. The ship’s             ropework for any task. This ropework

             bell deserved a display of those fancy                would also tell of his ability to stick to a
             knots that told the world what degree of              job over a long period of time, for a pair
             skill was available on the ship. The smart            of fancy chest beckets could easily take

             appearance of the master's own shore¬                 up forty or fifty hours snatched from dog
             going boat would be enhanced with,                    watches, Sundays in the tropics, and

             perhaps, decorative tiller lines, and superior        other odd moments of spare time that
             decorative rope fenders. All these showed             could be contrived and sleep that could

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