Page 12 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
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complex decorative knots together with further so their ships became more
whole layers of meaning, both in the sophisticated and their use of rope and
knots and in the colors of the cord in knots developed. One only has to look at
which those knots are tied. the lashings on a Pacific sea-going canoe
The Celtic cultures gave rise to to realize just how well man can use
wonderful intricate interweaves, devel¬ knots and lashings. But the seagoing
oped from the modest braids, interwoven peoples of the Pacific also used knots in
knots such as the carrick bend, and what another way, they used knotted cords as
we today call the Turk’s head. These an aid to memory in their navigation.
simple knot designs, which can be found The Incas of the Andes developed a
all over the world, were extended and very intricate method of communicating
stretched into the fantastic borders, using knotted strings. These were known
panels, and other decorative motives as Quipus, and with them very sophisti¬
found carved on wood and stone, and cated records and accounts could be
used as decoration in those highly deco¬ kept, without written records. The Inca
rated bibles and gospels such as the civilization was destroyed in the middle
Lindisfarne Gospels, the Book of Kells, of the sixteenth century and we are
and the Book of Durrow. left with only a few examples of the
It was the knotted fringes of Arabia actual Quipus, a few drawings from the
spreading to Europe via Italy and Spain time and very little else. Research is
that gave rise to macrame. This almost still being undertaken to establish the
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
lace-like collection of simple knots has exact nature of how these items worked.
had many periods of popularity, especially It has been established that a variety of
in the very late nineteenth and early knots were used and the color of the
twentieth centuries, with a major revival strings and their relationship with one
in the 1970s. Sailors also enjoyed this another were of significance. It is certain
work calling it “square knotting,” or that, with the aid of these collections of
“McNamara’s lace” when worked as a knots and strings, the very complex tasks
fringe to canvas. of taxing, governing, and organizing the
As soon as man ventured onto the sea distribution of goods over a large area
rope and knots must have been at work, could be carried out to a very detailed
and as seafarers ranged further and level.