Page 8 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 8


              Knots have been with us since the                     years ago there is evidence of man cutting
              beginning of time. They are not just                  thongs, and in China objects have been

              restricted to mankind. Gorillas tie                   identified as needles, implying that
              creepers together to make their nests.                sewing and knotting took place. Some
              Birds make nests with a knotted weave.                80,000-year-old spear points have been

              The hag fish [eptatretus stoutii], found on           found that had to be lashed to poles;
              the eastern shores of the Pacific, ties itself        40,000 years ago part of mankind was

              in a knot as protection. There are                    living in tent-like structures, which
              even knots to be found in DNA. This                   suggests some knotting taking place.
              is without thinking of the accidental                 Burials at Sungifi in Russia, 25,000 years

              formation of knots in creepers and                    ago, have produced a wide range of beads
              other plants.                                         and perforated fox teeth that it is thought

                   As man first evolved he, too, would              were sewn to clothing. There is some
              have taken the creepers, grasses, animal              evidence that European cave dwellers
              skins, and sinews that came to hand and               who decorated their caves with paintings

              used them as primitive cordage with                   used some form of scaffolding that would
              which to tie knots. Unfortunately these               have needed plenty of knots and lashings

              organic materials decay, and need very                to build. A small fragment of fossilized
              special, extreme circumstances to survive,            two-ply cord has been found in the
        Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
              leaving very little evidence for us today.            Lascaux caves in France.

              Yet by circumstantial evidence we know                     As mankind migrated across the
              that earliest man, be he hunter or herder,            world, people would have crossed

              had material with which he would tie                  substantial stretches of water. To achieve
              knots. Some prehistoric beads and                     this some form of flotation aid or boat

              pendants with perforations to take some               would have been needed, which in itself
              kind of cord were found in caves in                   would be likely to require knots and lash¬
              Austria. These items were dated about                 ings. This crossing of the waters goes

              300,000 years old, and if a cord went                 back at least 700,000 years, with many
              through the holes it would have to be                 crossings to what is now Australia taking

              joined . . . with a knot! From 100,000                place about 30,000 years ago, yet the

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