Page 11 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 11
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices
oldest known boat, found in a peat bog in Egypt. The actual pyramids needed ropes
Denmark is a mere 8,000 years old. of considerable strength to move the huge
The first actual knot to be found is the blocks of stone from which they were
sheet bend, used to make up a fishing net, built. On the door to one of the tombs
complete with weights and floats, found was a piece of rope that looked as if it had
on the Karelian Isthmus, between Russia been made yesterday—a perfect piece of
and Finland. The actual knot is 9,000 three-strand Z-laid (see page 16) rope
years old, yet we still use exactly the sheet about half an inch in diameter. On the
bend for the same purpose today. wall in another burial chamber was found
A number of archaeological finds in a painting, dated 3,500 years old, of men
Danish peat bogs, dating between 8,000 making rope in a manner still used by
and 3,500 years old, have preserved some of the local people today. Inside
examples of cords and bindings. Other another tomb a model ship was found
interesting finds have been made in asso¬ with the planks lashed together rather
ciation with Swiss lakeside dwellings than nailed. Here are many examples of
going back 4,500 years. knots, splices, and other sophisticated
It was the ice that helped preserve ropework showing that these people really
another interesting example of cordage, knew how to use rope and knots.
found on the 5,300-year-old “Ice man” Later, when Xerxes crossed with his
recently discovered buried in a glacier army from Asia to Europe in 492BC, he
between Switzerland and Italy. He was employed Phoenician and Egyptian rope
carrying cordage made of lime bast, and makers to supply the ropes that held
some net, perhaps for catching birds. He together two bridges of boats. It has been
also had a knife or dagger that consisted worked out from Herodotus’s account of
of a piece of flint lashed tightly to a wooden this amazing feat that the rope could well
handle, and the handle was fitted with a have been eight or nine inches in
lanyard so that the knife would not be diameter, very competent ropemaking by
lost if dropped, which is still good any account, and nearly 2,500 years ago.
practice today. Throughout time each civilization
From as long ago as 4,500 years ago and cultural group has made its own
we find good evidence of knots in the contribution to the world of knots.
Pyramids and tombs of the pharaohs in The Chinese developed a series of very