Page 15 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 15

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

         performed is but a simple manifestation               knot.” The one shown on page 236 is a

         of this principle. Many cultures place                good example, the two halves joined but
         significance in the tying and untying of              also separate.

         knots. For example, the name Canute                        Every trade that has some cause to
         [knot] expressed the hope that the child              use rope, cords, or even threads needs
         so named was the mother’s last. Some                  knots and will have developed special

         special occasions—such as weddings—                   knots peculiar to its own requirements,
         include the symbolic untying of a series of           evolving the best solution to the environ¬

         knots as a countdown to the event itself.             ment and knotting problems. The
         There are records of witches who sold                 surgeon has his special knot tied with
         knots to be untied by sailors to release the          forceps; the weaver a number of special

         wind. Other knots were said to bring                  knots evolved with speed of tying in
         good luck, while there were others that               mind. Anglers and fishermen have devel¬

         brought bad luck. It was said that some               oped many special knots for their fishing
         knots could inflict disease or illness yet            hooks, and often have their own peculiar

         other knots cured. The knot we know as                ways of joining lines and making up their
         the reef or square knot was called the                nets. Farmers and cowboys have evolved

         Hercules knot by the ancient Greeks and               special halters, hobbles, and lariat knots,
         Romans, as they believed that the god                 with cowboys making the most intricately
         himself had invented it. They thought                 braided horse gear using rawhide. The

         that it had many magic powers, including              making of whips developed into a
         the ability to heal wounds quickly. It is             wonderful art practiced both by horse¬

         still the best knot to tie together the end           men themselves as well as tradesmen
         of a bandage or sling because it lies                 making the most intricate braided items
         square or flat, or perhaps because it has a           to be sold through the tack shop. The

         little magic?                                         wagoner’s hitch is still to be seen today,
              Knots and love also go together. It is           used by truckers to tie down loads and

         still said to this day that to get married is         covers just as it was in the days of old on
         to “tie the knot”—the marriage knot is a              a horse-drawn wagon.
         knot tied with the mouth that cannot be                    It is at sea, in ships, that man was

         untied with the teeth. There are a number             most intimately dependent on rope and
         of knots that have the name “true lovers              the skill to use it.

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