Page 23 - Pocket guide to knots & splices
P. 23

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

          chopped up and then spun, giving a                    ance on the market they are:

          hairy rope, has much more grip.                       Kevlar/Twaron/Technora (aramid),
          Splitfilm rope is the most inexpensive                Spectra/Dynema (HMP, high modu-
          of all the polypropylenes, some ropes                 lous polyethelenes), Vectran (LCP,

          being only fit for one-off, temporary, or             liquid crystal polymer), and Zylon
          disposable tasks. Some manufacturers                  (PBO, poly [P-phenylene-3, 6-benzo-

          have developed a brown fibrillated                    bisoxazole]). In the main, they are not
          version of the polypropylene fiber that               yet for everyday use, although HMP
          looks very similar to hemp and has                    has started to be used in some fishing

          been used on some traditional boats                   lines and kite lines. They are very
          for that old-time look. Recently a                    expensive, and have various draw¬

          number of manufacturers have started                  backs such as their vulnerability to
          mixing the polypropylene material                     light or chafe, so are often covered with
          with polyester or polyethylene at the                 another material, usually polyester.

          extrusion stage of fiber production, to               Some of these materials do not work
          make various copolymer ropes that                     well on tight curves, which means that

          have a much greater strength and chafe                knots reduce their strength and so
          resistance, yet are not much more                     special splices or terminals have to be

          expensive than the better quality                     developed. One thing can be certain,
          polypropylenes                                        that the scientist will continue to
                                                                develop yet more and better rope mak¬

          Exotic rope materials have been                       ing materials, and craftsmen will have
          developed over the last few years that                to learn how best to use them.

          are lighter, stronger and have less                        Whatever the rope is made from, it
          stretch than anything seen so far. They               is a valuable commodity and it needs

          are being used to replace wire rope                   looking after, Natural-fiber ropes need
          rigging on racing yachts, and in various              to be dried out properly if they get wet.
          hi-tech industrial uses. All these exotics            All ropes need to be kept clean, as

          are sold under various trade names or                 sand, salt, dirt, and oil working their
          initials to represent the complicated                 way into a rope will wear it out from

          chemicals from which they are                         the inside. So, a good wash and scrub
          constructed. In order of their appear¬                will extend the life of a rope, using

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